Cold Water Toilet Sprayer
Our sprayer brand is the only one that automatically comes with a spray shield to give you a truly complete kit, and both our sprayers also have a signature dual spray mode that allows you to switch from a wide stream to a jet stream with a quick ...
Cloth Wipe Sprayer
Q: When I shake the top, I hear water. How do I get it out to prevent mildew? First, make sure you "pump" the sprayer to get rid of any excess water. There isn't a way to take apart the top of the cloth wipe sprayer into pieces, but if there's wa...
Sprayer Troubleshooting
I installed the toilet sprayer, and now the toilet isn't filling up? It sounds like the sprayer was not installed properly. Basically, when you screw the product t-valve to the fill valve under the toilet tank, you can unintentionally rotate the f...